When you believe that you are moving around a circle, then you actually are.
If you know that you are not really move around a circle, then you will know that you eventually will drop back to ground or lunch into space.
Life is about cycles, on your own orbit. Superstar is comet, they are beautiful, but such thought is not mean for last. And may be you are moon, cycle on a planet. There is nothing to compare. They present for some purposes, otherwise, it will eventually disappear.
The stupidest might be the one most wise, the wise might be the stupidest; The wealthiest might be the poorest and the poorest might be the wealthiest. They are not truths laid behind, we all don't know the truths and yet we pretend we are wise, live under camouflage, believed that we are unseen, believe in random, believed in facts.
Buddha tell us, nothing last forever and everything is changing. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery. Today, is a gift for us, one more time, may be, to believe in facts or to deny some truths.
3 个月前